Welcome to Absolute Mortgage Advice

We offer a comprehensive mortgage advice service:

  • Life Assurance
    How much cash would your family need to maintain their current lifestyle if you die prematurely?
  • Income Protection
    Would you require a regular income or a cash sum if you suffered a serious illness or disability?

There are other providers of Payment Protection Insurance [Short-Term Income Protection] and other products designed to protect you against loss of income. For impartial information about insurance, please visit the website at www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk

  • Mortgages
    Do you want to reduce your current mortgage outlay or are you moving home?

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage

We hope you find the site both useful and informative. Over time our aim is to expand the site to offer more services such as viewing your policies and portfolios securely on the site but we would welcome your feedback not only on the current content and presentation of the site but how you feel it could be improved or indeed what other services or information we could include to help you.

If you do have any suggestions please e-mail us or use one of our contact forms.

UK News

The surprise inclusion of VAT to calculate tariffs prompts questions over the possible impact on British businesses.
Thousands of drivers are taking part in the strike action over pay and working conditions, a union says.
Parents should be able to use vouchers, the regulator says, but restrictions on discounts should remain.
The water company says the cap on what it can charge customers for the next five years is too low.
They say the US should re-evaluate its cyber-security partnership with the UK unless the "dangerous" request is withdrawn.